Saturday 30 January 2010

Board Meetings

Its been a long old winter so far an the only kind of riding i've done has been snowboarding in random parks and on golf courses. I haven't dusted the skate off in months an every chance i get it starts fuckin raining. LAME!!! Got some snow time comin end of feb but really want it to hurry the fuck up an be summer again. Surf, skate an sunburn. Nuff said.

Nerdyness at Eden

There's this new installation thing at the Eden project in cornwall with a whole stack of fridges. There's also a whole shit load of magnets there for random obscenities. But my bro Ben hooked it up with some sweet props. Nice one bruv!!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Superfly Nerds

Check out the 'nerds' college tee, available in guys and girls in pretty much any colour. You want one made to order? No probs, but it'll cost you your soul.........

Farmville anonamous

And yes, i have a secret addiction...........

Saturday 16 January 2010

More metal hands madness..............

If anyone read my last rant about metal hands, then yr gonna love this. My good friend mikey from seed surf co sent me this. Ultimate metal hands, respect to ya gran.

Cheers to mikey @ seed for the link. Go check seed out, cos they're f**kin awesome.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Tommo Clinton 16/02/1983 - 30/11/2009

Last year we lost a very good friend, Tom Clinton. He passed away in a motorbike accident in bali on the 30th of november. He was a close friend to many people and a brother to many more. It still hasn't truly hit home that he'll never be around again. But i do know that he will always be an inspiration to me and alot of other people. Purely for the fact that he always lived his dreams, never knew fear and his life knew no limits. He literally lived his life more in his 26 years, than some of us would in a lifetime. I have so many fond memories of the guy, and i swear i never knew anyone as knarly as he was. Though i say that he was the most humble guy you'd ever meet. Chargin big waves and bombing hills on a skate was like childs play to him. He was a good friend, a great inspiration and a brother who will never be forgotten.

Peace out Tommo. Next waves for you dude. XXX

To everyone that knew Tom and to those that didn't, please go check out the "catch a wave site" Donations welcome for a very good cause in memory of a good friend and brother.

Friday 8 January 2010

Snow, glorious snow......

Its seems over the last few days england has decided it wants to be iceland. We've had some proper insane weather, but the best bit was gettin a proper dump of snow. So much snow that the ol' board got dug out of the loft and swiftly went lookin for the nearest powder field. Spent a whole day fightin for space on a lame little hill with about a hundred kids. But on the second day, we found it. An untouched, super hilly golf course ready for fresh lines. Fully got the stoke back for ridin the snowboard, an after bein landlocked with no waves for nearly 4 months, i needed a fix. Pretty much already booked tickets to go away. Bring on the mountains, cos this surfers gonna get piste!!